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  • Yemen (YE)
  • Zambia (ZM)
  • Zimbabwe (ZW)
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Are you a regular Mason?
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Inform your Obedience, your Gr∴, R∴L∴ and number in your G∴L∴
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Don't waste your time

If you are not available and are proud to be a Manson (or with Masons), do not waste your time!

Don't waste our time

If you have ulterior motives or try to denigrate the image and good name of Mansonary, don’t make us waste our time.

Be welcome

If you are a regular Mason or you have legitimate curiosity, you fulfill your oaths in all their dimension and plenitude, if you like to ride a motorcycle and respect the universal brotherhood as well as that of motorcyclists, if you are looking for a purpose and meaning to give to your passage on the road of life, welcome!